
1.Declaration on Personal Information Protection

During the course of offering online Languages tutorial services to many users, our company acquires and handles a great deal of personal information of our users, tutors and staff.Management of such personal information is a basis for us to ensure security of our services and we are committed to handling personal information securely and confidentially. We hereby declare that it is our social obligation to properly protect all personal information we use in our business, to establish rules and systems for fulfilling our obligations to comply to the “Personal Information Protection Management System” and to promote our efforts to protect personal information.

Receive, Use and Provision of Personal Information
We will securely received personal information, handle it only within a scope of the predetermined purposes of use and not use it beyond that scope and we will take necessary measures to prevent such use beyond the scope. Moreover, we will not provide personal information to a third party without the consent of the person. In order to fulfill this we will prepare a procedure for handling personal information and inform our employees about the procedure.

Compliance to Laws and Regulations
Our handling of personal information will comply with policies, ordinances and other norms stipulated by the government such as the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (Japanese Law) and its relevant guidelines, amendments etc.

Measures for Securing Personal Information Protection
In order to ensure that the personal information is handled safely and sensitively we will comply to the “Personal Information Protection Management System” and inform each employee to ensure prevention of loss, destruction, falsification, damage or divulging of personal information. Our internal audit processes we will make efforts to detect any problems at an early stage, examine the cause and take measures to prevent recurrence thereof.

Complaints and Consultations – Handling of Personal Information
In order to respond to complaints and inquiries related to handling of the personal information promptly and without delay, we will establish a “Point of Contact for Handling of Personal Information”.

Continuous Improvement of Personal Information Protection Management System
In order to improve personal information protection that corresponds to the changes in social conditions and the progress of information technology etc, as well as our business environment, we will periodically review our Personal Information Protection Management System and strive to improve the system continuously.

2.Purpose of use

To confirm applicants’ identity and qualifications.
To notify applicants about relevant company news and updates on their application status.
To provide effective lesson management system and tools.
To deliver information on our Languages Tutorial Services.
To deliver information on other services provided by our company.
To provide and gather information on company events and projects.
To monitor, analyze, and conduct investigations on teaching skills and behavior for development and/or implementation of initiatives.
To confirm identity of a user for website access, information requests or data modification.
To send updates and notifications regarding tutorial status.
To confirm identity of tutor as a response to a request for the disclosing of his personal information, etc.
To confirm identity of a former tutor as a response to a request for the disclosing of his/her personal information, etc.
To provide tutorial records and documents.
To deliver information, tools and legal documents for services to be rendered.

  1. Information sharing

“This site might share your information to others without your approval if:

Required by the Law.

It is considered to be necessary to protect the life, possession of someone.

Required by the government .

  1. Changing and deleting information

When you (user) consider it is necessary to change or delete any information, you may make a request to the site.

When this site considers it is necessary to change or delete any information, we reserve the right to change it without your approval.

  1. Changes to the Privacy Policy

When considered to be necessary, this site reserves the right to amend the Privacy Policy.”

6.For further information please contact

[email protected]

Regulations for Tutor

About Register
1. When registering as formal Languages Tutor,All tutor should submit their contact number including Skype、WeChat and cell phone number.
2. After registered as formal Languages Tutor,All tutor should add our Administration Account to their Skype and WeChat contact list within one week or your employment will be canceled.
About Lesson
Before the lesson
1. Arrange your schedule. Log into your account to access lesson slots.
2. Confirm your schedule and review your student’ s lesson preferences at least 60 minutes before each lesson starts.
3. Add your student’s Skype or Wechat contact number into your contact list at least 10 minutes before each lesson starts. If not you will be fined 22.5 USD. Cancellations
4. If you need to cancel any lessons scheduled please inform our staff at least 60 mins before the lesson is due to start. If you do not inform our staff you will be fined 22.5 USD.
Cancellations are expected to be infrequent in order to uphold the reputation of Teachworld.

During the lesson
1. Tutor should follow the lesson schedule Strictly. If you started the lesson late or ended the lesson early by more than 10 MINS, you will be fined 7.5 USD
2. If the internet interrupted during the lesson, you should inform our staff.
3. Tutor should not do anything unconcerned with the lesson or other impropriate things during the lesson. If you did, you will be fined according to the circumstances or your employment will be cancelled.

After the lesson
1. Tutor should inform our staff when the lesson was finished.
2. Tutor should send the screen capture of the lesson‘s beginning and end to our staff or you will be considered as absent from the lesson.